Monday, March 14, 2011

Quadaffy's Miracle

It have found it difficult to turn on the news recently. I wish for things to get better, but that's not what I am finding.

Quadaffy is probably overjoyed at the earthquake. It has pushed his violence off of the front page. A person in his position can do whatever he pleases, as long as the people are properly distracted.

It is almost as if there is a God, and that God favors people like Quadaffy. He prayed for a miracle to help save his regime, and he got one, at 8.9 on the richter scale

That's one of the truly remarkable things about miracles. You can find them where you want to find them. And if it does not make sense to you that your God would provide a particular benefit, then it is " coincidence".

Then there are those being caused to suffer in ways that do not make the headlines. If you can harm people in ways that do not make good YouTube videos, you are home free. Heck, you could destroy a whole economy, throw tens of millions of people out of work, destroy savings and retirement plans, and have taxpayer money go to secure your multi-billion dollar salary and your annual merit bonus

Oh, that bonus is well deserved. Roping in those billions of dollars in government assistance and saving your failed company - that is worth a few million dollars at the end of the year.

Fortunately, it also makes lousy video. That's where Quadaffy made his mistake. He had this regime of slowly simmering tyranny that made poor video. When that changed, he was in trouble. He was at risk of being overthrown. Once the video started, what he needed more than anything was compelling video from somewhere else.

No doubt he prayed for a miracle, and he got one.


  1. I can't express how frustrating and disturbing I find it that the antics of Charlie Sheen dominate the headlines while Bradley Manning - convicted of no crime - sits in military prison being subjected to what amounts to psychological torture with the approval of the president.

  2. Believers will either attribute miracle misses as coincidences or to be fulfilled at a later time, only known to god.

  3. Everyone has the own interpretation. And, they will all argue it till the end.

  4. No Miracle. Eventually something else comes along to replace the current "big story". That's life

  5. QUOTE: "It is almost as if there is a God, and that God favors people like Quadaffy. He prayed for a miracle to help save his regime, and he got one, at 8.9 on the richter scale."

    It never ceases to amaze me that the only time atheists admit there may be a God is when they need to blame something bad on God.

    QUOTE: "No doubt he prayed for a miracle, and he got one."

    So you're admitting that atheism is fundamentally incorrect because prayers are answered?

    Oh, and to Hume's Ghost, RE: Bradley Manning, he most certainly did commit a serious crime: He deliberately obtained and disseminated information he knew was not, according to regulations and laws he knew, to be obtained and disseminated by him and he also knew the potential penalty for his actions - DEATH - yet he chose to do it anyway then he bragged openly about it.
